Thursday, September 22, 2022

Wickey GhostFlyer Climbing Frame With Swing and Slide Review

 *This post is in collaboration with Wickey, however, as always, all thoughts and opinions expressed are 100% my own.

I'm always on the lookout for great things and activities to keep my boys happy while playing outdoors. As you probably know, if you've followed us over the years, we love the outdoors and aim to spend as much time outside as possible. Outdoor play is something I've always encouraged with the boys and since moving to our forever home, I've tried to fill the garden with as much outdoor play equipment and fun things for them to enjoy as possible to entice them to play outside and get as much fresh air as they can each day. 

The newest addition to our garden is the amazing Wickey GhostFlyer Climbing Frame (usually €1,479.95, now on offer for €1,069.95). This is the best garden climbing frame I have ever seen and I'm delighted that it's now in our garden for the boys to enjoy over the coming years. Wickey have lots of amazing kids climbing frames options available, but we thought this would be best for our boys and their love of ships.

The Wickey GhostFlyer Climbing Frame resembles a ship - which is perfect for my ship loving boys and promotes imaginative play by letting the kids choose whichever type of ship they want it to be for their games - pirate ship, viking ship, cruise ship, etc.

The Wickey GhostFlyer Climbing Frame looks amazing in the garden and is a real feature for the kids. They absolutely love it and have been outdoors each day playing happily on it, which has been lovely to see.

 The Wickey GhostFlyer Climbing Frame has everything kids need for garden playtime. It features:

  • 2 swings (you can buy a baby swing from the Wickey website if you have younger children too).
  • Slide (which can be turned into a water slide for the warmer days as it has a water connection).
  • Climbing wall
  • Wobbly bridge
  • Picnic table 
  • Steering wheel
  • Telescope
  • Straight climbing ladder
  • 2 integrated sandpits
  • Climbing rope 
  • Inclined climbing ladder

As you can see, the Wickey GhostFlyer Climbing Frame really does have everything!


It also comes with all the little details to make it look great, such as weatherproof tarpaulin to make the sails, etc., foil stickers to decorate the tarpaulin, plastic handles, screws and safety caps to cover the screws.

The Wickey GhostFlyer Climbing Frame comes with various colour options for the slide and tarp - we went for the blue as we liked it best.

Wickey's products are made in Germany and are made from impregnated solid wood, so you can guarantee that your Wickey purchase will be of the highest quality.

 Delivery and assembly

The Wickey GhostFlyer Climbing Frame was delivered to us in good time (about a week after ordering) and was delivered in a pallet. The pallet wasn't as big as I thought it would be, so if you have a smaller sized garden don't be worried!

I have to admit, assembly did take us some time as we had to do it over the course of a few days while Jacek was at work. Having a newborn baby in the house meant that only one of us could work on the climbing frame at one time (baby doesn't nap for long during the day to allow us both out for long!) so it took more time than we anticipated for us to build it.

However, if you had two or three people working on the climbing frame I think you'd get it done in a day or two. As the GhostFlyer comes with more decorative embellishments than Wickey's other climbing frame options, it will take a little longer to get everything put on, but when it's finished it looks absolutely amazing! 

If you get stuck whilst building the Wickey GhostFlyer there is an app called Bilt available to help. You can find this on the front cover of the instruction booklet, which comes with a QR code for you to scan. We needed to use this when things got a bit tricky but once we had these instructions in front of us we were fine.

Our thoughts on the Wickey GhostFlyer Climbing Frame

As a parent I think it's one of the best things we've ever had for the children. It's well designed, has so many features to keep them happy and entertained outside and is fantastic quality and so sturdy.
My eldest boy even said to his brother - "We don't need to go to the playground anymore because we have one in our garden!".
The boys are absolutely thrilled with their new climbing frame and think it's the best thing ever. They've been out on it in all weathers - the covered lookout keeps them dry while they're playing imaginary ships.
I only wish we had it for them sooner. I know baby Eden will love playing on it too as he grows.

I'm all for anything that gets kids wanting to be outside and playing and the Wickey GhostFlyer definitely has had that effect on our boys.

This and all the other Wickey products would make for an amazing Christmas gift. It's something that will last for years to come and is definitely worth the money.

I'm so glad this is now part of our garden and our children's childhoods. It's provided them with so much fun and I know they'll have so many wonderful memories with their 'ship in the garden'.



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